
Composer Installation – Windows

Using the Installer#

This is the easiest way to get Composer set up on your machine.

Download and run Composer-Setup.exe. It will install the latest Composer version and set up your PATH so that you can call composer from any directory in your command line.

Note: Close your current terminal. Test usage with a new terminal: This is important since the PATH only gets loaded when the terminal starts.

Manual Installation#

Change to a directory on your PATH and run the installer following the Download page instructions to download composer.phar.

Create a new composer.bat file alongside composer.phar:

Using cmd.exe:

C:\bin> echo @php "%~dp0composer.phar" %*>composer.bat

Using PowerShell:

PS C:\bin> Set-Content composer.bat '@php "%~dp0composer.phar" %*'

Add the directory to your PATH environment variable if it isn’t already. For information on changing your PATH variable, please see this article and/or use your search engine of choice.

Close your current terminal. Test usage with a new terminal:

C:\Users\username>composer -V
Composer version 1.0.0 2016-01-10 20:34:53

Solr ik分词器集成



  1. 将jar包放入Solr服务的JettyTomcatwebapp/WEB-INF/lib/目录下;

  2. resources目录下的5个配置文件放入solr服务的JettyTomcatwebapp/WEB-INF/classes/目录下;

    ① IKAnalyzer.cfg.xml
    ② ext.dic
    ③ stopword.dic
    ④ ik.conf
    ⑤ dynamicdic.txt
  3. 配置Solr的managed-schema,添加ik分词器,示例如下;

    <!-- ik分词器 -->
    <fieldType name="text_ik" class="solr.TextField">
      <analyzer type="index">
          <tokenizer class="org.wltea.analyzer.lucene.IKTokenizerFactory" useSmart="false" conf="ik.conf"/>
          <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
      <analyzer type="query">
          <tokenizer class="org.wltea.analyzer.lucene.IKTokenizerFactory" useSmart="true" conf="ik.conf"/>
          <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>
  4. 启动Solr服务测试分词;


  5. IKAnalyzer.cfg.xml配置文件说明:

    名称 类型 描述 默认
    use_main_dict boolean 是否使用默认主词典 true
    ext_dict String 扩展词典文件名称,多个用分号隔开 ext.dic;
    ext_stopwords String 停用词典文件名称,多个用分号隔开 stopword.dic;
  6. ik.conf文件说明:

    1. files为动态词典列表,可以设置多个词典表,用逗号进行分隔,默认动态词典表为dynamicdic.txt
    2. lastupdate默认值为0,每次对动态词典表修改后请+1,不然不会将词典表中新的词语添加到内存中。lastupdate采用的是int类型,不支持时间戳,如果使用时间戳的朋友可以把源码中的int改成long即可; 2018-08-23 已将源码中lastUpdate改为long类型,现可以用时间戳了。
  7. dynamicdic.txt 为动态词典

    在此文件配置的词语不需重启服务即可加载进内存中。 以#开头的词语视为注释,将不会加载到内存中。

在 CDATA 节中找到无效的 XML 字符 (Unicode: 0x1f)


在 CDATA 节中找到无效的 XML 字符 (Unicode: 0x1f)

String could not be parsed as XML


在 CDATA 节中找到无效的 XML 字符 (Unicode: 0x1f)。


An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x1f) was found in the CDATA section.


0x00 – 0x08

0x0b – 0x0c

0x0e – 0x1f

解决方法是:在解析之前先把字符串中的这些非法字符过滤掉即可, 不会影响原来文本的内容。

即:string.replaceAll(“[\\x00-\\x08\\x0b-\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f]”, “”) ;

# php 版过滤方法
$content2 = preg_replace(‘/[\\x00-\\x08\\x0b-\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f]/mu’, ”, $content);



45个字符,数据库设计时存储IPv6需要 varchar(45)

45 characters.

You might expect an address to be


8 * 4 + 7 = 39

8 groups of 4 digits with 7 : between them.

But if you have an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address, the last two groups can be written in base 10 separated by ., eg. [::ffff:]. Written out fully:


(6 * 4 + 5) + 1 + (4 * 3 + 3) = 29 + 1 + 15 = 45

Note, this is an input/display convention – it’s still a 128 bit address and for storage it would probably be best to standardise on the raw colon separated format, i.e. [0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:c0a8:64e4] for the address above.